[Pyparsing] Problems when installing version 2.0.0 using pip
2013-02-27 14:51:26 UTC
Álvaro Justen [Turicas]
2013-02-27 15:26:04 UTC
Alvaro -
Unfortunately this is the best I can offer. We are in the awkward in-between Python2-or-Python3 compatibility period, which is likely to last a few more years at least. My previous approach to handling the version dichotomy was error-prone, and I finally decided to just move forward to Python 3 as my main supported Python version. Starting with 2.0.1, I will start converting over the supporting code and examples to be more Python3 idiomatic - this of course will not affect the 1.5.x branch of pyparsing. Fortunately both pip and easy_install offer a command syntax to explicitly request a particular version of pyparsing, so Python 2 users do have a not-too-terrible workaround for the default behavior of installing the latest version of a package.
You can maintain a version for Python2 and another version for Python3
of the same package, just changing its setup.py to detect which Python
version in running during the installation, like httplib2 does:

-- Paul
pip install pyparsing==1.5.7
Yes, I know I can do it, but sincerely I don't want to since my library
does not depends directly on pyparsing.
Hopefully this will explicitly load the Python2-compatible version of
pyparsing, and then pydot won't need to try to autoresolve it.
*Seriously* that you will break everything that needs pyparsing and uses
Python 2?
-- Paul
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:33 AM
Subject: [Pyparsing] Problems when installing version 2.0.0 using pip
I'm developing a project[https://github.com/NAMD/pypelinin] that uses
python-graph-dot[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-graph-dot], which
depends on pyparsing.
I figured out that you released version 2.0.0 some hours ago because I
tried to package my library to test some stuff and the installation process
failed by a SyntaxError when pip was trying to install pyparsing.
Basically, the SyntaxError exception is raised on file "pyparsing.py",
line 629 ("nonlocal limit,foundArity").
cd /tmp
virtualenv pyparsing-test
source pyparsing-test/bin/activate
pip install python-graph-dot
rm -rf pyparsing-test
Is there any plans on fixing this problem? I'm considering removing
python-graph-dot dependency in my library for now because I simply can't
install it because of this bug.
Álvaro Justen "Turicas"
http://blog.justen.eng.br http://twitter.com/turicas
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+55 21 9898-0141
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Álvaro Justen "Turicas"
http://blog.justen.eng.br http://twitter.com/turicas
http://CursoDeArduino.com.br http://github.com/turicas
+55 21 9898-0141