Post by Paul McGuireAndrea, I'll try to take a look at the PyContracts code that you posted and
see if any glaring areas jump out. will, I hope these descriptions will give
you some clues where to start looking in your grammar. I can also post some
before-after snippets that you can patch into your versions of pyparsing and
rerun your tests.
Thanks Paul!
1) As for the PyContracts project, where I get syntax errors, this is
my travis project:
This currently shows the same code working for 2.7,3.2,3.3,pypy, but
failing for 3.4 and 3.5.
Currently the version that is installed by pip is pyparsing-2.0.6-py2.py3.
I'm not an expert at Travis. I wish there was a way to run different
builds with multiple versions of pyparsing.
To look into the grammar, start here:
Other parts are in other files. It is fairly complex - I was using
almost all the features of PyParsing.
In the past, what was failing in >=3.4 were tests related to the unary
operator "-". It didn't recognize things like ">=-1". Now the problem
is errors like this:
pyparsing.ParseException: Expected {{FollowedBy:({{Forward:
{{FollowedBy:({{Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({...
{{"*" ...}}...})} | ...} "-"} Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...})
Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}}) Group:({Forward:
{{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}
{{"-" Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({... {{"*"
...}}...})} | ...}}}...})} | Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...})
Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}} "+"} Forward:
{{FollowedBy:({{Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({...
{{"*" ...}}...})} | ...} "-"} Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...})
Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}}) Group:({Forward:
{{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}
{{"-" Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({... {{"*"
...}}...})} | ...}}}...})} | Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...})
Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}}}) Group:({Forward:
{{FollowedBy:({{Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({...
{{"*" ...}}...})} | ...} "-"} Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...})
Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}}) Group:({Forward:
{{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}
{{"-" Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({... {{"*"
...}}...})} | ...}}}...})} | Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...})
Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}} {{"+" Forward:
{{FollowedBy:({{Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({...
{{"*" ...}}...})} | ...} "-"} Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...})
Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}}) Group:({Forward:
{{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}
{{"-" Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({... {{"*"
...}}...})} | ...}}}...})} | Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...})
Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}}}}...})} | Forward:
{{FollowedBy:({{Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({...
{{"*" ...}}...})} | ...} "-"} Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...})
Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}}) Group:({Forward:
{{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}
{{"-" Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...}) Group:({... {{"*"
...}}...})} | ...}}}...})} | Forward: {{FollowedBy:({{... "*"} ...})
Group:({... {{"*" ...}}...})} | ...}}} (at char 10), (line:1, col:11)
2) As for the other project, the one with out of memory errors, I do
have unicode expressions in literals.
Could the changes in unicode expressions lead to out of memory errors?
Just read your last message about the cosmetic bug. When you push out
the fix, I will let you know if the problems above disappear.