[Pyparsing] Language Integration Survey
Rolf-Helge Pfeiffer
2012-09-24 14:48:32 UTC
Dear all,

Have you already constructed a language using pyparsing? If so, we would appreciate if you participate in our brief survey on "Language Integration".

Your responses to this survey will be used in a research project, which aims to better support developers working on software systems containing multiple domain-specific languages and general purpose languages.

You will find the survey and further information following the link:

Please excuse me for possibly spamming this group. Please also excuse me in case you consider this message a cross-post. This invitation is sent the following language engineering communities via their corresponding mailing lists or forums: Xtext, EMFText, ANTLR, parboiled, javacc, pyparsing. The reason is to allow for generalization of the survey's results by approaching multiple language engineering communities.

Best regards,

Process and System Models Group
IT University of Copenhagen
